From To
of Post Offices,
Head/Sub Postmasters,
Division, ASP/Inspectors(Posts)
Pudukkottai-622001. North/South/
Sub Dn in Pudukkottai Division
dated at Pudukkottai the 15.10.2012.
Sub:-Notice of indefinite strike with effect from 16.10.2012
served by All India Postal Extra departmental Employees Union ( AIPEDEU)- -Regarding
It has been
intimated by Region al office Trichy Vide Endorsement VIG/17-1/Strike/Oct12
dated 12.10.2012 on the above mentioned
subject that AIPEDEU has threatened indefinite strike from 16.10.2012 in support
of its 8 points charter of demands.
indefinite strike from 16.10.2012 (AIPEDEU)
2. In this connection the Directorate has
instructed to ensure smooth functioning of the Post Offices ensuring adequate
security to the sophisticated equipments like computer/server etc., and the
employees willing to perform duty are not harassed/prevented from entering
office to perform duty by the striking employees. Directorate has made it clear
that apart from the application of the principle of “No work No Pay” it may invite action in terms of provisions contain in
rules of the department.
3. The contents of the letter and the
following further instructions may please
be circulated amongst all the officials in your office and also those on
a. All Post Offices should be kept open as
usual. All concerned should ensure
normal functioning of the offices.
b. Receipt and despatch of mails should be
carried out as usual. Counter services and delivery arrangements must be
provided without interruption.
c. Leave of any kind including Medical Leave will not be granted
to GDS except in the cases of
hospitalization till normalcy is
restored. No casual leave should be granted to subordinate staff by the
Postmasters/Sub Postmasters and Sub Divisional heads. Any emergent situation
warranting any official to be on leave should be reported to this office
immediately and the official put in such a situation should not be relieved
without the specific orders from this office.
Unauthorized absence from duty under any
form of coverage will result in
non payment of pay and allowances
besides appropriate disciplinary action.
e. There should be no
hesitation to hand over charge of office to the substitute posted in place of
officials opting to go on strike.
f. No official should leave
the headquarters during the period of strike. The heads of offices should necessarily remain
in the headquarters and take safety and security of the post offices.
AND DESPATCH OF SPEED POST ARTICLES should not be disrupted at any cost and
under any circumstance.
h. Proper
security arrangement to the loyal staff., mail and properties may be done in
liaison with local Superintendent of Police/DIG/IG as the case may be.
i. A
CONTROL ROOM in the Divisional office will function from 1700 hours on 15.10.2012.
onwards with telephone numbers PDK 221220.Also situation report on 15.10.2012
at 1730 hrs.after assessing the strike
position/situation should be furnished to the Control Room at Divisional office
on 16.10.2012 at 0930 ,1430 hrs and 1700 hours without fail on daily basis till
normalcy will be restored by email followed by written
communication for on ward transmission to RO. Unusual occurrence if any should
be promptly reported to the control room on daily basis till normalcy will be
j. Further all out efforts should be made to
clear the arrear of work that accumulated on account of strike.
k. Please acknowledge receipt of
this letter by return of post.
The GDS who do not intend to join in
strike will submit individual application to the Divisional head / Sub
Appointing Authorities for intimating about their non participation in strike ,
latest by 15.10.12. All BOs should be informed through BO slips.
of offices,
Pudukkottai Division,