Monday, May 14, 2012

PM GR I Model Question Paper

76.       If an unpaid article sent to BO is returned as undelivered the article will be

a)                 Returned to sender after deducting the amount of postage from the cash and stamp balance of BO
b)                 Returned to sender after deducting the amount of postage from cash and stamp of the SO
c)                  Returned to sender after simply taking suitable entry in unpaid postage account in BO
d)                 Returned to sender simply as ordinary letter                                          Ans:c(130)

77.       All article of correspondence originally received for delivery in India by foreign post may be redirected to revised address

a)                 Only within India
b)                 Only to foreign countries served by foreign post
c)                  Any place served by India post or any country or place served by foreign post
d)                 To be returned to RLO                                                                                Ans:c(137)

78.       If an addressee of a Regd letter on signing in delivery slip refuses to sign in acknowledgement

a)                 The article should be returned undelivered
b)                 An application to be obtained from the addressee to this effect
c)                  A witness to be obtained to this effect
d)                 A remarks regarding refusal should be written on the acknowledgment and the article should be delivered                                                                         Ans:d(117)

79.       The official who initials in the postman book in token of receipt on RL acknowledgments is

            a)         Registration PA                                b)         Postmaster
            c)         Treasurer                                           d)         Mails PA                                Ans:a(183)

80.       Parcels weighing above 10 KG should be

            a)         Delivered only at the post office                b)         Returned to sender
            c)         Delivered through the bean Postman      d)         Taxed                         Ans:a(180)

81.       VP article can be kept  in deposit from the date of intimation

            a)         For 14 days                                       b)         7 days
            c)         1 Months                                           d)         None of these                       Ans:b(231)

82.       An unclaimed VP article should be returned to the sender

            a)         After 7 days                                       b)         After 10 days
            c)         After 15 days                                     d)         After one month                   Ans:a(231)

83.       Fee to be collected when a regd parcel is redirected to the neighboring Distrust is

a)                 Nil                                                      
b)                 Half rate
c)                  Amount of postage prepaid on the parcel
d)                 Half the rate excluding the registration charge                                      Ans:d(199)

84.       VP article received for delivery without VPMO form

a)                 Article will be returned to the sender immediately
b)                 Article will be returned to RLO
c)                  MO form will be filled in with reference to the entries available on the article and the article will be sent out for delivery
d)                 Article will be kept in deposit till receipt of VPMO form                         Ans:c(227)

85.       Unclaimed articles of letter mail with remarks ‘not known’ and ‘left’ are returned to sender

            a)         After 7 days                                       b)         After 10 days
            c)         After 15 days                                     d)         After one month                   Ans:a(143)

86.       Insured articles addressed to minor may be delivered to

a)                 The minor to whom addressed
b)                 It may be delivered to the neighbors
c)                  No delivery of insured article be made
d)                 The minor in the presence of person who take care of the minor      Ans:d(204)

87.       Limit of insured articles that can be entrusted to a postman for deliver in his beat is

            a)         Up to Rs 250/-                                   b)         Up to Rs 600/-
            c)         Up to Rs 500/-                                   d)         Up to Rs 5000/-                    Ans:c(202)

88.       Parcel may be detained in the office of delivery after serving intimation up to a

            a)         8 days                                                            b)         15 days
            c)         7 days                                                            d)         May be return to sender      Ans:c(191)

89.       The charges to be collected when a registred letter already delivered is presented with a revised address for registration.

a)                 Cannot be registered
b)                 Fresh postage and registration charges to be paid
c)                  Postage alone to be collected
d)                 Fresh registration fee is to be collected                                                   Ans:d(171)

90.       An attested copy of addressee’s receipt of registered article, if applied by sender

a)                   Can be given free of cost
b)                   Cannot be given
c)                    Can be given on payment of registration fee in cash
d)                   Can be given on payment of prescribed fees in the form of defaced postage stamps                                                                                                     Ans:d(185)

91.       If the addressee of inward foreign parcel is aggrieved on the customs duty imposed on the article, it

a)                 Should be taken delivery by the addressee and referred to customs authorities
b)                 Has no option except to take delivery or refuse to take delivery
c)                  Can request for return of the article to the customs for reassessment
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(182)

92.       Redirection fee due on refused inland parcel on redelivery to sender

a)                 Can be cancelled without any restriction.
b)                 Can be cancelled
c)                  Can be cancelled when delivered at the office of issue/at the same post town
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(191)

93.       Refused foreign registered articles of letter mail

a)                 Should be disposed in the same manner of inland registered letter mail
b)                 Should be sent to the foreign office of exchange
c)                  Should be sent to RLO though the PO at the HQ of the circle
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(191)

94.       Acknowledgement card attached to an unclaimed/returned registered article for redelivery to sender should be

a)                 Delivered back to sender along with article
b)                 Filled along with delivery slips
c)                  Destroyed
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(192)

95.       Inward foreign parcels on which intimation served can be kept in deposit at the PO for

            a)         15 days                                              b)         7 days
            c)         One month                                        d)         Two month                            Ans:a(193)

96.       Insured bags/insured bundles received must be opened

a)                 By the treasurer in the presence of Postmaster
b)                 By the registration PA
c)                  By the Postmaster
d)                 By the registration PA in the presence of the Postmaster                    Ans:d(137)

97.       For foreign insured articles acknowledgements

            a)         Cannot be obtained                                    b)         Given free of charge
            c)         Special fee will be collected          d)         None of these                       Ans:c(198)

98.       In the case of VPMOs issued at the office of delivery of the VP article, the MO receipt

a)                 Will be retained in the book of MO receipt. 
b)                 Will be detached an sent to office of posting
c)                  The receipt will be given to the addressee of the article
d)                 Will be pasted to the corresponding VP receipt book                            Ans:d(227)

99.       The value of a single VPMO should not exceed Rs

            a)         500/-                                       b)         2000/-
            c)         5000/-                                     d)         No limit                                               Ans:c(226)

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